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Summerlea Community Primary School

Pupil Premium

 What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium Grant is money given to schools by the government to support children.

It is allocated to schools based on the number of children who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM); those who have been eligible to free school meals at any point in the last 6 years (Ever 6); children who are looked after by someone other than the family and those who are adopted and children of service families.

The funding is used to ensure the children are fully supported so as to be able to achieve their full potential in their education.

What do we spend the money on?

At Summerlea, we use Pupil Premium money as part of our targeted support for identified children.

This support may be educational, emotional, physical or social. It focuses on increasing attainment, supporting the children in their area of need to enable them to access the curriculum more effectively and increasing the extended services we can offer to children and their families.

Is my child eligible to receive Pupil Premium Funding to support them with their learning?

Children receive Pupil Premium funding if they qualify for any of the following:

  • Children eligible to claim Free School Meals;
  • Children who are Looked after, Adopted from Care or have a residency order;
  • Children whose parents are in the Armed Forces.

This funding is used to provide extra support for children who qualify.

Children who receive Pupil Premium funding are also eligible to receive a school jumper, free of charge, for each academic year that they qualify.

How do I know if I am eligible to receive Free School Meals?

If you are in receipt of Income Support, Guarantee element of State Pension Credit or Child Tax Credit (Not Working Tax Credit), then you may be eligible to claim for Free School Meals, which will automatically qualify your child for extra Pupil Premium funding.

Free School Meals now have to be applied for online. Please follow the link below to for more information:

Further details of how we spend Pupil Premium money to support children and the impact it has can be found in our annual Pupil Premium reports which can be downloaded below:

Pupil Premium Strategy statement 2024-25